Comparative Life Cycle Assessment for Improvement of Solid Waste Management System of Pariaman Coastal Tourism Area

Rizki Aziz, Syarah Nurunnissa


Sustainable tourism should provide environmentally friendly solid waste management. This study aims to assess the environmental impact of the waste management system applied to the Pariaman Coastal Tourism Area using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method and provide recommendations for improving an environmentally friendly waste management system. The aspects studied are limited to waste handling, waste, energy required and generated in the system’s operation. The study compared two scenarios of solid waste management; the existing (scenario 1) and the proposed one (scenario 2). The study was conducted on solid waste management of 170.51 kg/day. The impact assessment method used is CML-IA. The results of impact characterization showed that the impact of scenario 1 is higher than scenario 2 on Global Warming Potential (GWP) 7.5 times and Eutrophication Potential (EP) 90.6 times, while on Acidification Potential (AP) was lower 1.6 times. Activities at landfill sites contribute the most significant impact of GWP, AP, and EP. It is recommended to choose shorter collection and transportation routes, substitute the solid waste vehicles fuel, change the power plant source for composting machine, and apply the sanitary landfill with leachate treatment and gas processing.


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Rizki Aziz (Primary Contact)
Syarah Nurunnissa
Aziz, R. ., & Nurunnissa, S. (2022). Comparative Life Cycle Assessment for Improvement of Solid Waste Management System of Pariaman Coastal Tourism Area. Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability, 6(2), 42-52.
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